Person Centered Planning

What is Person-Centered Planning (PCP)? 

Person-Centered Planning is a wonderful opportunity for your EnGaged Services Independent Facilitator (IF) to get to know the participant better. We learn all about the participant's short & long-term goals, hopes & dreams for the future, likes & dislikes, areas of improvement, their circle of support, and so much more! All of this information is gathered so your IF has a great understanding of how best to utilize your ACRC budget. 

How to prepare

Start thinking about who you want to invite, what date & time is convenient for your schedule (we generally need 2 hours for this meeting with the participant attending at least a portion of the meeting), important highlights about the participant's life starting from birth, any pictures you want us to include, etc.

For your convenience, a PDF of our planning document will be sent once we your meeting has been scheduled.

Who do you want to have at your meeting? 

Your meeting should have people that you trust and who can help you think of and implement ideas to meet your goals. Consider inviting your family, friends, your service coordinator, your teachers/program specialists, etc. 

When and where do you want the meeting to happen? 

Make sure it’s a time and place where you feel comfortable, and don’t worry too much about what is convenient for others. 

What do you want the space to look and feel like when we meet? 

Should we have food available? Do you want to have your pets, toys, other things there with us? Should we decorate? Do you want background music? 

What comes next?

Following your PCP meeting, your Independent Facilitator will send the completed PCP document to your regional center Service Coordinator for review.