Independent Facilitation

What is an Independent Facilitator (IF)? 

An Independent Facilitator (IF) is an individual selected and directed by the participant, who is not otherwise providing services to the participant pursuant to their IPP and is not employed by a person providing services to the participant. The independent facilitator may assist the participant in making informed decisions about the individual budget, and in locating, accessing, and coordinating services and supports consistent with the participant’s IPP. 

Why should I hire an Independent Facilitator (IF)? 

Independent Facilitators at EnGaged Services are experts at assisting you through the Self-Determination Process (SDP). We utilize information gathered from the IPP and person-centered planning meeting to discover what services and supports may benefit the participant. Our IFs have received training in the principles of self-determination, the person-centered planning process, and the other responsibilities related to the Self-Determination Process (SDP). We also share a network of resources that are invalueable when creating your Spending Plan. 

What does an Independent Facilitator (IF) cost? 

Independent Facilitators will develop a Person-Centered Plan and support you transitions to SDP at no cost to you. These services are paid for directly by the regional center. The cost of ongoing Independent Facilitation services are paid for out of your Self-Determination budget by listing “Independent Facilitator” on your Spending Plan. You will be charged a flat monthly fee negotiated on an individual basis taking into account the complexity of services, and the level of support that you require. 

ongoing case management (year 2 & beyond)

Prior to formally enrolling in SDP, the Independent Facilitator will work with the participant to move from Traditional Services to Self-Determination. This includes, but is not limited to, Person-Centered Planning, developing a budget and spending plan, assisting participant in selecting a Financial Management System (FMS) and on-boarding vendors to the FMS. There is a lot to do before you start SDP and your IF will be by your side during the entire process.

After you have started SDP, you can chose to retain your IF to continue to assist you. Your IF is available to support revisions of your Spending Plan and assist you in finding new service providers and resources. Your IF will also support your annual renewal of SDP services.